Instant Hockey Analyses using ChatGPT and AI
In this Edition
* What is ChatGPT?
* How to Use ChatGPT to Analyze Hockey Data?
* Pros and Cons of using ChatGPT
Winning Percentage Report
Each day where there are games, we publish the comparative Winning Percentages for those games.
💡For more information on Winning
How can I create a Team Summary Dashboard with Power BI?
In this Edition
* What is Microsoft Power BI?
* What is a Team Summary Report?
* Example Team Summary Report
* Walkthrough: Creating
NHL Team Summary Report
This is a report that provides a comprehensive view of key hockey statistics. Using this visualization, you can compare where
Round-Up # 1: The First 30-ish
Our first round-up of the 2023-2024 season analyzes the first 30-ish days of the NHL regular season play from a
Can you use Winning Percentage to Predict a Team Winning?
In this Edition
* What is the Pythagorean Winning Percentage?
* How is it Different from the Regular Winning Percentage?
* What Data
What is a good predictor for goals?
In this Edition
* Breaking Down the Question
* Why are Goals Important?
* Considerations for Predictive Models
* Modeling Goals Prediction Walkthrough
What is the Relationship between Shot Percentage and Wins?
In this Edition
* Breaking Down the Question
* Why is Shot Percentage Important?
* Modeling the Relationship between Shot Percentage and Wins
How Successful is Our Power Play Strategy by Goals?
In this Edition
* Breaking Down the Question
* Structure of the Power Play Analysis
* Sourcing the Power Play Data
* Transforming and
Who are the Top Ten Playmakers in the NHL?
In this Edition
* Breaking Down the Question
* Defining and Measuring Playmaker
* Required Data for the Playmaker Analysis
* Conducting the Playmaker