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Newsletter Updates - 4/21/2024

Newsletter Updates - 4/21/2024

Hey Data Punks!

We're two days into the playoffs, and so far the games have been great – well, unless you're Toronto.

Alright, rather than publishing a weekly newsletter or tutorial this week, we worked on three items that have been dogging our to-do list:

  1. Updated the site navigation
  2. Published our revamped Introduction to Hockey Analytics course here alongside our other content on datapunkhockey
  3. Created a Playoff Stats and Reports page

More details on these below.

Updated the Site Navigation

We're continuing to streamline the experience on datapunkhockey. Our goal is to bring you regular and complementary content and resources, be it newsletters, tutorials, datasets, and the like. To make the site more user-friendly and intuitive, we updated the navigation.

The new navigation is below.

We'll continue to add regular newsletters, tutorials and resources and tighten the connections across the content and give you more data and sample reports that you can customize and use for your own projects.

Introduction to Hockey Analytics

We've published the introduction and eight lectures to YouTube and linked them back here on our site. The course is linked off of our main navigation with, you guessed it, Course. We did this because the newsletters and tutorials are useful references for the course, so it made more sense to host them together.

Please check it out at your convenience, and if there are lectures you want us to add be sure to ping us.

Playoff Stats Page

Now that the 2023-2024 Regular Season is behind us, we started publishing a regular set of playoff reports. We have two reports there as of today (a stats baseline of the teams that made the playoffs and a daily stats update from the playoff games) and throughout this week and next will continue to add some reports based on our newsletters – e.g., Enforcer Index, PPM score, etc. We'll notify you as we update this page.

The Playoff Stats and Reports page is also hanging off of our main navigation at Playoffs.

That's it for now.

Data Punk Hockey Team

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