
Our core mission is to help hockey enthusiasts learn about the world of hockey (and sports) analytics. This page provides various learning resources to help you ramp for your projects and career.

Our mission is about teaching all you Data Punks about the amazing world of hockey (and sports) analytics. And we want to deliver this to all of our members, so this page is where you can find free learning content such as hockey and sports analytics courseware and tutorials.

Check out the links below to access courseware and tutorials.


Introduction to Hockey Analytics - provides a first look of what is hockey analytics and covers topics such as Microsoft Power BI, raw and calculated hockey statistics, creating team and player performance dashboards, and more. This course is currently free for all Data Punk members.

Introduction to Sports Analytics - provides a comprehensive and technical deep dive into the world of sports analytics. We bring you beginner to advanced content that you can apply to the world of hockey or other sports in which you are interested. This is premium content and only available to paying Data Punk members.


Provides how-to guidance on different topics, along with sample datasets, reports and application code.

Data Punk Tutorials

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