3 min read

Data Punk Hockey Update

Data Punk Hockey Update

Hey Data Punks!

Hopefully, you're all enjoying the All Star Weekend and getting ready for the Super Bowl.

We wanted to reach out to give you an update on a few things we're working on over the next few weeks to months.

Newsletter Series

We're about to complete two newsletter series:

  1. Puck 101
  2. AI Camp

For Puck 101, our target was 8 newsletters – so short and to the point. After the 2023-2024 NHL hockey season closes, we'll be going back through this series and updating it. Our goal is not to expand the number of editions, but to review and update the content itself.

For the AI Camp (or AI and Analytics Camp), our goal was to create both a foundation for hockey analytics while working to integrate more progressive and advanced data science and AI topics. We have 1 more edition in the L100-L300 learning path to get to our target of 24 newsletters.

In short, we've almost completed our first two goals for Data Punk Hockey: 1) lay the groundwork with an introductory hockey series (for those new to hockey and wanting to learn hockey analytics) and 2) create a progressive hockey analytics series that gives analysts, enthusiasts and practitioners some practical learning materials.

What Have We Learned?

We're just jumping off the bench here, but a sampling of the early signals we're seeing amongst our audience (via newsletters, your emails and YouTube analytics) are as follows:

  • An interest in no-code/low-code topics like Power BI dashboards and reports
  • A desire for specialty topics – e.g., hockey video analytics, game-time analyses, etc.
  • You like the resource accompaniments – e.g., datasets, code and reports
  • Topics around forecasting and predictions – e.g., goal predictions, win forecasting, etc.

So, we're taking the above feedback and incorporating it into our planning.

What Are We Planning?

A few things we're doing or thinking about doing:

  • We will continue to publish content around hockey analytics across a range of topics and levels (novice to advanced). But, we also want to frame this up in ways that are interesting to you – e.g., shorter, more targeted series, product reviews, etc.
  • We're revamping our Udemy course and will be re-publishing this in March.
  • We're also looking at bringing more resources (think datasets, code, etc.) into Data Punk Hockey and organizing them to have a stronger cross-mapping to the newsletters.
  • We want to bring you some of the great hockey analytics books and content that we've been reading and researching through book reviews, site recommendations, etc.
  • We'll also be expanding the site to improve our daily reports and include more features such daily projections, custom statistics/models, etc.
  • And we'll also be engaging in more cross-marketing efforts this year and seeking partnerships with interesting and innovative sports companies to bring you closer to their products.

All of the above is towards expanding the hockey analytics horizon for us all.

But, Why Are We Telling You This?

There is a vast net that we could cast and while we want to do it all, we want to prioritize with you in mind. So:

  • What do you find most useful?
  • What are you not seeing that you'd like to see?
  • What works best for you in the content (e.g., more theory, statistics, how-to's, etc.)?
  • More video compared to long-form?
  • Is there something from our planning list above that is high on your list?
  • ...

And if there's something not covered above, tell us about it.

How Do You Submit Your Feedback?

Anonymously complete the following feedback form and hit Send.

In closing, thanks for being a part of the Data Punk Hockey family. Our goal is to continue to grow the experience for you and to have fun in the process.


The Data Punk Hockey Team