Get to Know Us

Learn about our beginnings, passion and why we're embarking on this journey.
Get to Know Us

Frozen Lakes & Hockey

As far back as we can remember, hockey has been at the center of our lives. We watched games with our family, played on the street until it was dark and grew lifelong friendships through playing and competing together at all sorts of levels. In short, hockey has been, and still is, a way of life for us.

Our best times were lost in playing on frozen ponds and lakes, and our toughest times were sharing bitter defeat against arch rivals. But throughout it all, we never lost the constant excitement and nervousness because for us every game is the big game.

Now that we've grown up, though, we find ourselves with a unique confluence of skills: decades of playing on, coaching and managing teams at all levels coupled with a rich set of skills in data, analytics and AI. Data Punk Hockey is how we're bringing these skills to you.

What is Data Punk Hockey?

Data Punk Hockey is about Analytics, AI and hockey. Our aim is to provide a fun and engaging learning experience that increases your awareness, excitement and analytics skills specific to hockey (and potentially other sports).

Through regular newsletters, daily team and player analyses, online courseware and a connected community, Data Punk Hockey gives you the skills you need to become an expert Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Sports Scientist, or Sports Journalist.

Our goal is simple: give you the learning platform, knowledge and skills for your hockey analytics journey. And if we develop a few worldwide friends along the way, then all the better.

What does our Content Cover?

We cover different topics across varying levels of technical depth and domain specificity, such as:

  • Hockey Fundamentals: A primer if you're new to the sport of hockey
  • Daily Reports: Team and player performance and game-time situations
  • Analytics and AI Camp: A series of in-depth newsletters on hockey analytics and AI
  • Predictive Modeling and Forecasting: AI deep-dives on predictive and forecasting methods for team, player and game scenarios
  • Power BI Development: Step-by-step guidance on how to create compelling visualizations for different hockey use cases using Microsoft Power BI
  • Storytelling: How to shape your data into a story and publish to the world
  • Tutorials: Hands-on walkthroughs with data, code and sample demos/dashboards for your continued learning

And much, much more.

We shape our content around answering the common and maybe not-so-common hockey analytics questions.

Learning Tracks

We've structured the Data Punk Hockey learning experience across different series and content. For example, we regularly publish newsletter series on a variety of topics, code and dashboards, and team and player performance reports (refreshed daily). Here are some key links to get you started:

Learning Avatars

Depending on the track and content, you'll also meet different learning avatars along the way. They will provide helpful insights and guide you in your learning journey.

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