Level 100 Track

Level 100 Track

What is Hockey Analytics?
Overview of hockey analytics, types of hockey analyses different examples of hockey analytics and a profile of who uses hockey analytics.

What are Data Types When Analyzing Hockey Data?
Introduces common data types, how data types map to specific analyses, examples of different data types in hockey analyses and how these data types are used within hockey analyses.

What are Good Sources of Hockey Data
Covers where you can find free data sources, who we use as our primary data source, and what are other data sources not available to the public (but you might come across in your career).

How will AI Impact Hockey Analytics?
Speculates how AI will reshape the Analyst Role in sports analytics, what the impact is of AI on hockey analytics, and provides a practical example of a hockey analysis using Chat GPT.

What is Descriptive Analytics for Hockey?
Describes the basics of descriptive analytics, common statistics you find in a descriptive analysis, how to create a descriptive analysis with hockey data using Chat GPT and Microsoft Excel's Analyze Data feature, and how to use quartiles to analyze team stats data.

What is a Team Performance Report?
Overview of the basics of team performance reports, how to explore team performance using Chat GPT, how to create a Top 25% team report, and how to create a report comparing regular season and playoff team performance.

What are Common Data Analysis Tools?
Introduces the basics of data analysis tools and skills, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power BI, R and RStudio, and Python and PyCharm.

What is a Player Performance Report?
Overview of the basics of player performance reports, how to use Microsoft Excel to group NHL players into 'bins' for analysis and how to create a Top 2% Player Performance report to evaluate the top players in the league.

PDO: How Lucky are Ya?
Overview of PDO, which is a calculated statistics that measures a team's luck and/or performance levels.

What Makes a Winning Playoff Team?
Overview of key factors that define a winning playoff team and what statistics you can use to measure them.

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